Cigar chomper has said that, of late, people keep bringing up <second visual> to him. Why would that be? (Clue: This could stir up some memories.)
Answer: Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream) recently made the film “The Wrestler”, about a professional wrestler, which received the Golden Lion for Best Film at the Venice Film Festival. In the Coen Brothers film Barton Fink (which was a Palme d’Or winner) the title character gets a job writing for films in Hollywood and is forced to write a Wallace Beery “wrestling picture” – a kind of B-movie which is considered the most disposable and lowest form of schlock. This was a depiction of the very real stigma attached to such films in early Hollywood and also a reference to William Faulkner who once wrote a Wallace Beery “wrestling picture” without credit. Interviewers and fans made a number of joking references to Barton Fink, comparing Aronofsky’s career, as after his big budget debacle “The Fountain”, he was being “forced” to work on a “wrestling picture.” The clue was a crucial frame from Barton Fink which will make more sense (or less ) when you watch the film.
Cracked by Bobo and Zizzyphus.
seriously, where do you people keep finding these bloody evil pics of people? (see also: Gregory Peck, Robert Crumb)
Darren Aronofsky’s new flick the Wrestler – lots of references to Barton Fink etc. etc.
Darren Aronofsky’s The Wrestler and Barton Fink’s unfinised script for a Wallace Beery B-movie about a wrestler in the movie.
Barton Fink
The film strip shown is from the film Barton Fink. The cigarette chomper is apparently suffering from a ‘Writer’s Block’.