Everything 407 August 17, 2009 quizfoundation2 Comments 407: Come up with a connection that links the people in these images and the video. ‘Lucky Louie’: Breakfast Chat (DVD S1) @ Yahoo! Video 406: Answer
They’ve all adopted weird middle initials. David O Selznick Creator of futurama – middle initial X (don’t know the name) Michael J Fox Uleysses S Grant Can’t see the video in the office Please visit my blog http://www.wekuiz.beghilos.com The latest quiz there is on fictional bands/music groups
They’ve all adopted weird middle initials.
David O Selznick
Creator of futurama – middle initial X (don’t know the name)
Michael J Fox
Uleysses S Grant
Can’t see the video
in the office
Please visit my blog http://www.wekuiz.beghilos.com
The latest quiz there is on fictional bands/music groups
All meaningless middle names. Shudn’t Homer J Simpson here be here ?