QFI Meeting on August 30, 2015

Hi, We have a QFI meeting on Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 9:30 AM. Venue will be our usual venue PS School. Please note the earlier start to allow us to finish early for the Madras Quiz in the afternoon. We will have quizzes by Abid Abdulla and Aaslesh. They will be doing a MELA…

QFIesta 2015 Part Deux – August 16, 2015

A one-day quiz fest on Sunday, August 16, 2015 jointly hosted by Quiz Foundation of India-Chennai and the IIT-Madras Quiz Club. Venue: Central Lecture Theatre, near Gajendra Circle, IIT Madras Date and Times: Sunday, August 16, 2015 9:30 am – Musee Musicals Music Quiz Quizmasters: Thejaswi Udupa Ramkey Ve Sivakumar Vakkalanka 2:30 pm – General…

QFI Meeting on August 9, 2015

We have a QFI meeting on Sunday, August 9, 2015 at 10 AM. Venue will be our usual venue PS School. We will have the two Landmark Quizzes from earlier this year, conducted by Dr. Navin Jayakumar at Pune and Mumbai. Please be there to enjoy some great quizzing! If you are not a QFI…

QFI Meeting on July 26, 2015

Hi, We have a QFI meeting on Sunday, July 26, 2015 at 10 AM. Venue will be our usual venue PS School. We will have quizzes by Varun Ramdas and Sharad Venugopal. They are long time QFI members who are conducting a quiz after a while. Thanks to Vikram Rajan for helping them with the…

QFI Meeting on July 5, 2015

Hi, We have a QFI meeting on Sunday, July 5, 2015 at 10 AM. Venue will be our usual venue PS School. We will have quizzes by Mario and Susa. Both have done some excellent quizzes for us in the past. Please be there for a great session of quizzing. If you are not a…

QFI Meeting on June 14, 2015

We have a QFI meeting on Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 10 AM. Venue will be our usual venue PS School. We will have a MELA (Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts) quiz by Abid Abdulla, Kunal Roy and Shreyas Karanth. Please be there for a wonderful quiz. If you are not a QFI member, please consider…