QFIesta Quiz Festival, August 13-15, 2022

Greetings from the other side, As the covid-19 pandemic fades into the past (ha! famous last words), we think it’s time to restore some words and phrases to the use they were originally intended: ◉ “Cover your nose and mouth” …particularly during a closely fought quiz final, when the next team might hear you discussing…

Best of Landmark Quiz (August 15th, 2020)

BEST of LANDMARK QUIZ (August 15th 2020) 30 All-Time Favourite Questions from the Landmark Quizzes since 1988. REGISTRATIONS OPEN !Tickets online (Paytm Insider) at: http://BOL.quizfoundation.com QUICK DETAILSDate: August 15, 2020 at 5 pm ISTQuizmaster: Dr Navin JayakumarAnchor: Samanth Subramanian Who can take part? Anyone, anywhere interested participating or watching a quiz. This is an individuals…

QFI Online Quizzes – FAQs

What are the QFI online quizzes?Where are they held?How do I participate in them?Why can’t QFI subscribers participate in all the quizzes?What are you doing about people Googling during these quizzes?But seriously though, why not make all your events Google proof?How do I get to participate in these quizzes, instead of just watching them? Do…

New QFI Google Group and QFI Online Quizzes

As Yahoo Groups mailing lists have gone through significant limitations in features, we have recently created a QFI mailing list  for carrying announcements about quizzes on Google Groups. You can also add yourself to the new QFI Google Group through this link: https://groups.google.com/group/quizfoundationWe will still be sending out announcement emails on the Yahoo group but…