QFI Ender Bender 2019

ProspectusThe Wee Company(Formerly known as “WeQFI”) Our Story: Wee is a community quiz company committed to maximum global impact. Our mission is to elevate the world’s consciousness, but also to try to start quizzes on time. (The latter is more difficult.) Technology is at the foundation of our global platform, as can be seen in…

QFI Grandmaster 2019

The 18th annual edition of the annual QFI Grandmaster quiz was held recently on the 21st of July, 2019 at PS School. A QFI fixture since the year 2002, the Grandmaster is the annual QFI lone wolf quiz for solo participants. The previous year’s winner Srinath Bhashyam was the QM for this year’s edition. Srinath…

QFI Meeting on Sunday, 13th October

QFI Chennai will hold a double-barrelled quiz session this coming Sunday, 13th October. As always, there will be a QF1 and a team quiz. The QF1 will be by Ramesh Athreya (in absentia) and the team quiz by the team of Dinesh, Harish and Vinid. Details of the forthcoming session: Date – 13th October (Sunday)Venue…