QFI Ender Bender 2018

QFI Chennai will once again host its famed Ender Bender all-day quiz this December. Everybody brings questions, 10-15 apiece. We quiz, we drink beverages, we eat lunch and snacks, and we roll out at the end of the day, our belief in our founding mission revived once more. Details as below: Venue: The Boat Club,…

QFI Meeting on Sunday, 11th November

QFI Chennai will hold a double-barrelled quiz session this coming Sunday, 11th Nov. As always, there will be a QF1 and a team quiz. Details of the QFI session: Date – 11th November (Sunday) Venue – PS Senior Secondary School, #33, Alarmelmangapuram, Mylapore, Chennai 600004 Time – 10 AM QMs for both QF1 and team…

Update regarding logistics for QFIesta 2018

Couple of updates for people coming for QFIesta this weekend: 1) The event will be on the hall in the 3rd floor of CP Art Centre 2) Regarding parking within the premises: Cars should only enter from TTK road entrance which will be open. 2 wheelers- Bikes/ Scooters – should only enter from Eldams road…

QF1 League update

Long overdue QF1 League update! Good things come to those who wait. Great things come to those to procrastinate. Said no one ever, unfortunately. Your correspondent had been tasked with posting an update regarding consolidated scores for the 2nd edition of QF1 but as usual, got tied up elsewhere in true Ghajinikanth style. Fortunately not…

QFI Meeting on Sunday, 16th September

*This Sunday’s meeting is at PS Senior and in the morning*. Some of us at QFI are old enough to remember a time when Chennaites completed sentences with an obscenity of choice as opposed to this ‘ji’ business. In Goundamani-Senthil style, we will respond to this abomination with not one ji but two GGs. The…

QFIesta 2018 on September 29th and 30th!

QFIesta 2018 will no longer be known as the ‘lost QFIesta’. This time, we are back for sure (we’ve even consulted a nadi josier) with an equally iconic venue (opposite Alwarpettai Aandavar Kamal Hassan’s house as opposed to Kalaignar’s), better weather (LOL) and great quizzes (unsuprising given that we’ve had two extra months to set…

QFI meeting on Sunday, 2nd September

*This Sunday’s meeting is at PS Senior and in the morning* Date – 2nd September (Sunday) Venue – PS Senior Secondary School, #33, Alarmelmangapuram, Mylapore, Chennai 600004 Time – 10 AM QMs for both QF1 and team quiz: Arun Ramanathan, Venkatesh Ananthasubramanian and Yagnyeshwaran Hariharan We are back to regular programming at QFI for our…

Results of QFI GrandMaster 2018

We have a new champion. Srinath Bhashyam has earned the right and privilege of hosting Grandmaster 2019 (and not much else besides) by winning this year’s edition. The 2017 champion Kiran Vijayakumar put together a fantastic set that ensured that almost as many people stayed behind to watch the finals as did participants. Zero casualties were reported. 28 people…

QF1 League: FAQs

New: Signup for QF1 here: http://qf1signup.quizfoundation.com   What on earth is the QF1 League? For the past two years, we’ve been running this format called the QF1 at our fortnightly meetings. It’s a light prelims style set of 30 general questions that participants attempt lone-wolf. It’s received a whole lotta love so we thought we’d share…